Why Choose a Kit Home?

Steel Frame Kit Homes

Is a kit home a good idea?

Wondering whether you’ll ever have your own piece of the great Australian dream can certainly keep you up at night. Australians wishing to enter the real estate market face a confluence of obstacles due to a number of variables, including affordability and supply and demand issues.

Making the decision to buy a kit house can help you avoid many of the increasingly problematic aspects of buying real estate the traditional way. This can save thousands of dollars while also helping you benefit from other important advantages in terms of construction time, quality control, and more. We expand on this in the paragraphs below.

How does a kit home work?

Before we get into the biggest benefits, it is important to have an overview of how kit homes work. Kit homes are made to be easy to assemble (as they come in kit form as a progressive delivery, or in a single delivery by container). Designs typically vary enough to meet a wide range of personal tastes and budgets. This means you’re often spoilt for choice. Or, better still, you can simply design your own.

The choice is yours whether you want to DIY, or wish to find a local tradesperson to complete the build. Once installed, kit homes look exactly the same as any other type of regular dwelling. Of course, specific materials and service will vary from kit home company to kit home company (as it does with traditional real estate). However, there is one important difference that stands out amongst material choices in kit homes across the board, as now explored further.

Why is steel used for building frames?

One of the biggest differences applies to the type of materials used in kit home framing. Steel frame kit homes are preferable because a steel building frame is strong, robust and precise. Steel won’t catch fire and won’t twist or distort with time.

In particular, Bluescope steel framing uses a precision computer generated program to ensure accuracy requiring minimal skill level on site for installation. This gives additional peace-of-mind and is perfect for any owner builder. Being resistant to corrosion, steel frameworks also won’t deteriorate or break down over the years (as timber is known to do). Not only that, steel is also 100% termite and borer proof.

Steel framing is strong and durable in cyclones, cold climates, high snow areas, bushfire zones and also in coastal areas subject to harsh salt air. All of these advantages add up to an environmentally-friendly and structurally superior home that can provide generations upon generations of use.

Are kit homes a good investment?

Compared with purchasing a property on the real estate market, there’s no debate that kit homes can be a far more cost effective approach. However, some people could be unsure of how their kit home will operate as an asset, both now and in the future. It’s reassuring to know that kit homes are a financially sound option, whether as your primary place of residence or as an investment.

Once installed, kit homes typically increase in value over time – much like dwellings built the traditional way. Keep in mind, steel kit homes can be built far more quickly. This is because the steel frame (a significant portion of the construction), is prebuilt. Additionally, steel is a lightweight material that contributes to making the building phase far faster and cheaper – up to 40% more cost-effective.

When installing steel kit homes, it is a simple assembly process for owner builders or project managers. This all suggests that a skilled investor can amass a kit home investment portfolio far more expediently than by going the real-estate centric route.

Kit homes can provide superior quality control

For any owner of a steel kit home, the careful monitoring of quality control at the fabrication stage adds another layer of confidence. This is true of the steel framework’s construction, which serves as the kit home’s foundation upon which all other building materials and fixtures depend.

There can be no underestimating just how important it is that this core component is strong, resilient and well made. When the steel framing is made in the manufacturing facility, its soundness is first evaluated.

In contrast, conventional residential construction will typically only include a framework assessment as part of standard quality assurance procedures – which are usually delayed until the on-site construction phase. With steel frame kit homes, you essentially receive two checks and balances on the integrity of your housing framework, versus just the one.

Finding kit homes in Australia

Kit homes are available in key areas across Australia, providing a clever way for people to sidestep the conventional real estate market and also to create a more affordable option for aspiring homeowners (with no compromise on quality).

Why wait or jump through hoops to bring your home ownership goals to fruition? Find out more today about acquiring your own quality steel kit home. Fill out our handy online form and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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